Finally my new 2m and 70cm antennas are mounted! I got a great help from Aurelian, SA0CAN, to get them in place. As the weather was very nice, sunny and no wind, it was an easy (well relatively) to get the mast with the antennas in place!
The new antenna combination consist of the following parts, a big wheel for 2m and a big wheel for 70cm. The 2m Big wheel is positioned below the 70 cm Big wheel. Both antennas are fed with a common feeder using a diplexer to combine them.
When all is put together this is what it measure including the long RG213 feeder and the (new) wall feed through.
Interestingly enough the VSWR meter of my IC-7100 indicates the 1.8:1 VSWR as 3:1
At the same time as I changed my antennas I also reworked the wall feed-through. The remaining thing to fix is now to get a proper OK way to ground the antennas with the purpose of discharging the static built up in the antennas. The Coaxial Lightning Surge Protectors are Diamond SP-3000P that I bought from Limmared Radio & Data AB
For reference here is my old setup: My old 2m antenna