My makes

Submitted by Thomas Nilsson on

Now and then I need some special functionality. In most cases I have implemented it using a Raspberry Pi Zero. It doesn't have the highest performance but for non-number crunching features it is great. Some of them are documented on these pages.


My Amateur Radio Software Solutions

Submitted by Thomas Nilsson on

I use some very good SW for my Amateur Radio activities. All of them are open source. For some of them I have implemented some specific solutions and or configurations.

Currently I have the following pages that describes my solutions.


Airscout is a program that is used for predicting Airplain reflexions. I am running it in a container which is somewhat specific...


FT8 dynamic range

Submitted by Thomas Nilsson on

"Interesting" short commings

To be updated!

There are some problems that arrise when running a narrow band mode as FT8 with a bandwidth of 50 Hz with a wider filter, like a normal SSB filter, with a bandwidth of 2500 Hz. The exact behaviour depends on the design of your rig. For me it is an IC-7100.